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Neuro-Logical & Rigidity

Writer's picture: Ross CopelandRoss Copeland

Ok, Neuro-logical flexibility is one's readiness to be able to adjust how they behave and think. The point here is to alter how they see their current situation, thought patterns and any unanticipated circumstances. Primarily, to change their current frame of reference.

By doing this, it helps to identify when something we are doing is not serving us in a growth-orientated way, equipping us to create adjustments that produce new positive outcomes.

Neuro-logical flexibility is an important aspect when it comes to solving problems.

Understanding this essential concept authorises us to react in ways which benefit us in terms of thinking outside the box and making decisions more swiftly.

If we take someone who is trying to solve a problem and they are adjustable in how they think towards the problem, we could bet that they will be receptive to other people's opinions, concepts and different frames of reference.

Continuing to work through problems they do not instantly comprehend, never giving up because they do not yet understand how to solve the problem.


The same concept stands for our relationships, someone who is adaptable in their thinking will understand that their current frame of reference will always be limited.

They comprehend that the best thing they can do in their relationship is to understand the other person fully, to attend to them, giving them the space to express themselves.

Whilst in this space, they can also exercise the idea of permitting the other person to finish expressing themselves without interrupting and assuming what we think they mean.

Individuals with an adjustable mentality can sufficiently accept any differences and mistakes either by themselves or others.

Putting themselves in the shoes of others exposes them to the viewpoints of others which results in coming to an understanding on both parts. Understanding the topic at hand and the other person's view.

Neuro-Logical Rigidity.

On the contrary, an individual who is rigid in their thinking will be reluctant to consider any adjustment to their thinking patterns, opinions, behaviours or beliefs.

Again if we were to examine an individual who exercises a rigid mindset, we would identify that they would deny anything that collides with their current frame of reference i.e their thinking patterns, how they behave and the beliefs they hold.

Their main objective, when learning, is to take in only the details of the information which support their current perspective.

Someone who is not adjustable in their thinking will do all they can to deny any ideas that challenge their current frame of reference. Are happy to demonstrate how others may be wrong than to change and accept that their perspective is limited.

Oftentimes, an individual with a rigid mindset will try to prove they are right in all cases this is a belief they maintain and gets offended when this belief is challenged.

Below I would like to challenge you to the following questions as you work through, take the time to evaluate how adjustable or rigid you may be in your thinking.

Neuro-logical flexibility & rigidity questions.

Q1. When struggling with a problem, would you be inclined to alter your thinking process to adapt and try and solve the problem or is giving up an easy option?

Q2. When proposed with new knowledge are you likely to evaluate this new information to expand your understanding or, would you be likely to stick to what you know?

Q3. When seeking information is your intent to support what you already know, or is your intent to widen your understanding?

Q4. When interacting with other people, is your aim to

fully comprehend the other person's worldview, or simply express your perspectives?

Q5. When engaging in conversation, are you more likely to allow the other person space to finish, or do you quickly decide when you have heard something that challenges your perspective?

Q6. If something does not satisfy your standards, would you have an open mind to seek the importance of the situation, or immediately get offended?

For this last question, I would like to leave you with homework to take a little time to reflect upon how you might make changes to your thinking.

Q7. What changes do you think you could take to become more adjustable in the way you think and behave?

I hope you have found this article valuable and insightful. The aim here is not to provide answers but to generate more questions.

With a willingness to learn, life will gift you, around every curve.




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